in march of 2023 i made music for the second solo exhibition by the amsterdam based photographer milan gies. this exhibition was based in the museum van de geest in haarlem, the netherlands. during the opening of the exhibition, this piece was performed live in the museum. 

the exhibition 'bernard' is about a long time friend of milan. he followed Bernard over the last decade and photographed him in different stages of his life. 
milan says: "over the years, he has increasingly struggled with life, and his mood has grown heavier. In the course of this project, bernard seems to have moved more and more towards the side of art that we love." 
after talking with milan about bernard and this project, it was my objective with this composition to translate this complex set of emotions that you see in the exhibition into music.  the music hopefully acts as an extra layer that enhances the connection between the art that you see, and your emotions. 

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